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Take Flight:  Session 2

Then we had Terri, our confident 7 year old girl with long braids. She rode QT first and was a star, feeling right at home steering and guiding a big horse around by herself. She was clear, ‘I want to do it by myself.’  Her exuberant yet focused energy was nice to be around, everyone liked her. The 3rd client was 11 year old Maggie. Her mom told me that she has high anxiety and she seemed shy, starting off with her hood up but participating and staying connected. We started her at the grooming station and she got Pawnee. He stood so very still, soaking up the love from the two young girls who cared for him with gentle kindness. His being so calm helped give Maggie some confidence.  Then she moved to the next station, and rode QT. She removed her hood and kept opening up and loved the horses. Her smile was authentic and her body relaxed with the animals.

These horses respond to the energy of the program. If you listen closely, you can hear the horses respond and support the kids, subtle and steady.

I can see the effectiveness of the junior volunteers connecting to the clients. I create a safe container then let their peers teach the horse activities.

Names are changed for confidentiality