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Take Flight: Session 5

The session was successful and we all had fun. We got off to a slow start but finished with a giant smile.

Two of our participants are return clients, Andres and Terri. Andres had been so scared last time he had loads of fun scooping horse poo but was a bit too scared to ride on QT.

This time Andres was ready and he rode Riley with much satisfaction. It is so satisfying to see someone grow courage, he watched everyone else ride, and decided it might not be too scary this time. Andres showed his strength and felt proud after.

Terri stepped right back up and was trotting on Riley today, on the lunge line. The use of a lunge line (basically a 20 foot leash) helps the student ride at a more independent level while still having the safety of riding assistance. On the lunge line we can teach the faster gaits and lots of kids think that’s super fun as long as it's safe. Terri also got to reconnect with the horses she met before, Bob, DD and Pawnee.

The other boy was new to Pegasus and he fit right in with the structure and activities. Jerry was rather shocked when I asked him to scoop some horse poo. It's actually a skill that I take for granted, because when a person is learning to scoop they usually drop quite a bit, before getting it to the bucket. No worries, the horses aren’t critical. Besides scooping poo Jerry also rode Riley and was even trotting (on the line) before he finished.

Session 5 was successful and we are almost half way through the summer. With the summer heat the horses always get a rinse from the hose when they are done working.

We try to always make time for a Pawnee visit, he’s such a special horse and loves the attention.