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Take Flight: Session 6

The session today was fun and a bit low-key.

We had 2 boys show up, one who had been to Pegasus before (twice) and a new boy. It's great having Siem to work with us because he’s so easy and appropriate with the boys.

Today was the first time we had the mini donkeys to include in our program. It's hard to imagine anything cuter, they are the size of a large dog and have the funniest voice when calling for attention. The kids had a blast walking and even jogging with Daisy & Fiona the mini donkeys.

We learned that donkeys can eat peanuts, shell and all, and celery for fiber and nutrition.

Andres has come to Take Flight three times now. The first time he was too nervous to ride the horse. This time he rode like a pro.

Pawnee has become a regular player in our equine program. He’s so engaging and happy to come play. We don’t ride him but he gets groomed, lunged and walked around to keep us on our toes.

The other boy, Walter, started out quiet (per usual) and finished on Riley asking him to trot on, I was only a little surprised. Some kids are nervous when the horse speeds up and some kids think it's a hoot. Walter had fun and certainly got his fill of horses and barn life today.

All names are changed for confidentiality