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Take Flight: June 2024

Summer has arrived and it’s heating up. We start early now and finish before the major heat of the day.

We started the day with a chore - everyone’s favorite - scooping horse manure. Hey it’s a good skill to perfect and gets us all moving & working together. Please note I heard no groans  or complaints and they did a good job. Horses poo a lot about 8 piles per day so there’s always an ample supply. 

We then got horses out for a walk - it takes some skill and leadership qualities and all were up to the challenge.

After that we groomed the horses -which includes brushing as well as hoof picking ( a harder skill) and the boys are getting better.

Of course Bubbles my dog gets right in for some attention plus ball tossing.

Then the part we are all waiting for. Let’s ride ✔️

The kids have all been with us before and their riding skills are developing nicely

By the end of the session all were satisfied and a bit tired.

Looking forward to our next meeting.