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Take Flight: Session 7

In our session today we had a new boy, Danny join us and Marissa from a previous session came back. Danny arrived 20 minutes early so had a chance to see the set up and get more comfortable with being at Pegasus. He felt pretty nervous and asked if his mom could stay. We offer this for anxious participants and Danny & his mom had never been around horses before. We found out in our opening circle that only myself and Britney, the other adult helper, were born in America. Siem was born in Africa, Marissa was born in Mexico and Danny and his mom were born in Portugal, so we got to live the cultural diversity that makes us strong. Danny’s mom was an easy addition & Danny translated for her to understand and participate.

Fiona and Daisy continue to be big fun and easy to feed and walk around the farm. Fiona is a bit overweight so the exercise the kids give her helps her condition. It's not healthy for mini donkeys, horses (or people for that matter), to carry excess weight, it makes Fiona a little slower to hand walk.

Marissa came to Pegasus already this summer and has a good sense around horses, she started in the pasture walking Sunny the new horse.

It was a very hot day so I made Popsicles for the horses and it was hysterical to watch them figure out how to eat ice.

Riley was the best by far picking up the chunk and biting off a piece then having all the juice drain out of his mouth in slobbery dribbles. That’s on a video. And pictured is Paddington licking his Popsicle.

Take Flight was successful today even with the heat the magic still happens. After the session Danny’s mom asked how he could continue with Pegasus, I gave her the information.

Later on when I sent her a few photos she replied saying Danny had done so well at the barn he didn’t even have any of his turrets issues while at Pegasus, such amazing feedback, thank you.

(names changed for confidentiality)