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Today we had a whole new group of first time clients.

We hosted a brother & sister with their cousin, all small children mostly quiet & scared to start. Of course that changed and we had good participation and communication.

Daisy & Fiona are good ice breakers so we started with them.

Grooming and exercise was on the menu and we actually got them to trot a little. Fiona does not like anything fast, but she was a trooper and tried a little.

This activity got the kids loosened up and ready for more.

Then we did some hand walking with Johnny and Riley

Ok, now ready to ride. Riley was our horse for today. He melted hearts and increased their confidence with his calm and willing demeanor.

A good day today with snacks and dog play to round it out, Bubbles was too wiggly for a picture, but she got major loving and soaked it up.

Almost the end of summer 2024!

Small group today - makes it more intimate group & less like a session. Anyway we started with scooping horse poo. Not a favorite chore but it does feel satisfying making it cleaner for the horses.

The small group included Kisenette today because Siem was on a job interview. She was a fantastic helper, I was glad to have her with us.

We took Pawnee & Johnny for a good walk so they could share some energy with us. Even without riding a horse, there is still a lot going on with kids trying to lead a 1,000 pound animal.

The horses got some gentle grooming and hoof picking .

Final event is the ride - all enjoyed it and learned some new skills this week. The physical work-out riding provides strengthens our core muscles and improves balance posture and coordination, not to mention the confidence boost {it is magic}.

And Bubbles had some fun with fetch.







We squeezed some time in for a snack and some circle time too.

When we get clients coming back several times - we get to bond a little and start to trust in the group, nice work.

(Names are changed for confidentiality)

Summer has arrived and it’s heating up. We start early now and finish before the major heat of the day.

We started the day with a chore - everyone’s favorite - scooping horse manure. Hey it’s a good skill to perfect and gets us all moving & working together. Please note I heard no groans or complaints and they did a good job. Horses poo a lot about 8 piles per day so there’s always an ample supply.

We then got horses out for a walk - it takes some skill and leadership qualities and all were up to the challenge.

After that we groomed the horses -which includes brushing as well as hoof picking ( a harder skill) and the boys are getting better.

Of course Bubbles my dog gets right in for some attention plus ball tossing.

Then the part we are all waiting for. Let’s ride!

The kids have all been with us before and their riding skills are developing nicely.

By the end of the session all were satisfied and a bit tired.
Looking forward to our next meeting.

(Names are changed for confidentiality)

Today there was a good turnout. We had 3 young boys & one girl as clients. I was grateful to have 2 helpers today plus me. The new horse we met today is Johnny Cash. The kids had not heard of the musician so made funny jokes about money etc regarding his name. He was happy to get out of his stall but a little overwhelmed by the group. We gave him a short session today and I will continue to work with him before our next Take Flight session.

After getting the kids all set with mud boots, we could walk through the super muddy pasture where the horses live. Past the mud they have a nice area with grass so they can stand on dry land.

We got Sunny and Riley to ride again today. Sunny gets the bareback pad and Riley gets a saddle. Of course first we have to brush all the dried mud off their coats. After such extensive grooming the horses feel extra soft with a long winter coat all fluffy and clean(ish). Of course after everyone rides we give the horses a chance to roll in the sand arena. Then they are covered in wet sand again, and they love it.

Riley and Sunny are good together and even had a little competition where Riley kept trying to pass Sunny, but only in a fun way. Sunny was happy to remain in front. The horses' hooves are also covered in sticky wet mud. It is very satisfying to get the mud off while checking the hooves for rocks or other debris, so we are teaching students to pick hooves and help care for the horses.

All students today have been to Take Flight before. It's nice to be gathering a group who comes back and can learn the tools to really help out. Therefore each kid was able to trot today. Riley is by far our best horse to introduce the trot, he knows how to go forward without making a big deal about it, just trots off, and it's relatively easy to hold on and super fun for the rider. For the nervous rider we hold on to Riley and run next to the horse, holding on fo0r safety. That way everyone gets a chance to see what it feels like going a little faster on this grand beast.

(Names are changed for confidentiality)

Bubbles, my rescue dog, came today for the first time. She was such a hit, I’m pretty sure she will be a regular participant. She is obsessed with ball chasing and gives everyone a chance to learn how to toss a ball with the ‘chuck-it’. It’s a great tool, helping each learn how to throw a ball.

This session was face-paced, yet safe, and all three participants got to ride both Riley (with a saddle) and Sunny (bareback with pad). Riley is tried and true with beginners who are getting their confidence up and figuring out the balance and rhythm of riding a horse, he is so patient and sturdy.

Due to his steady personality many kids are excited to get to trot and keeping it safe we start the trot on-line or in-hand. The kids quickly get the hang of it and start trotting around solo, a super feeling of confidence unfolds.

As the rider begins to feel the rhythm of the horse's gait she/he begins to go with the flow. The help of a kind gentle horse creates a sense of safety and empowerment in us. We send gratitude out to our animal allies. It comes back to us 100 fold and we rest in safety.

Today we had two returning students and one new fella. All had a chance to ride both horses. First Riley with a saddle, then Sunny bareback, with a pad. A rider's body has to relax yet grip while riding bareback. It allows one to feel more connected to the horse and a little scary with no stirrups to anchor one’s body firmly atop the large animal.

(Names are changed for confidentiality)

The program today was one more success. We were a smaller group so everyone got lots of time to ride a horse. We started with Riley who is sturdy and steady, such a great personality for a lesson horse. He waits patiently and is ready to take a fun trail ride at a moment's notice. Riley is a quarter horse, gelding (male horse) with a beautiful bay coat.

He was a ranch horse in his previous career so he’s good at spinning to change direction, and is happy to go at a slow trot when asked. The two clients from Side by Side both enjoyed Riley and rode around the arena all on their own then went on a trail ride.

Mary has been to Pegasus several times and she gets better and more confident every time. Today she was helping Kameo pick out Sunny’s hooves, making sure to remove any rocks or gravel that could hurt his feet. Sunny has horse shoes on the front 2 feet and barefoot on the back feet. This is a common practice. Mary is a pro at leading Pawnee around so he gets some exercise.

The kids don’t ride Pawnee but enjoy his energetic spirit and crazy blue eyes.

Our other student was Remmi and it was his first time at Pegasus. His mom told me that Remmi had been working for some time now to gain access to horse therapy. He was pretty nervous and asked for his mom to stay. Remmi has a large vocabulary and is quite talkative. He soaked up the horse therapy like a dry sponge, he loved it all and kept telling us so. He got the hang of steering Sunny and had quite a fun time guiding him around the arena. By the end he was declaring he’d be back next time. Here is a picture of Mary on Riley.

(Names are changed for confidentiality)

Today we had a ground work only session, that means no riding on top of the horse. There are so many different activities with horses besides riding, I teach an entire college class about horses with no riding.

We had two girls today and both have been to Pegasus before so it was an easy day. Pawnee has never been a riding horse so it was no different for him. He’s this energetic, semi-retired paint horse whose markings make him always look a little surprised. He craves attention and gets a nice walk around the property and a roll in the arena.

The horses have been going through a bout of pigeon fever, a virus that humans do NOT get or transmit. It comes from flies and several of the horses have come down with the condition. During this time we give the horses time off from riding since they have pigeon bumps all over their bellies. However, they still line up for grooming, hand walking and general love. The students are happy to oblige. We also had fun with the mini donkeys, Fiona & Daisy, because these little cuties are only with us temporarily, they go home at the beginning of November.

Then, to make sure we all had big fun, we finished up with some stall cleaning - in other words ‘scooped poop’. The right tools and washing up when done make this not such a terrible experience, and besides we are helping the horses.

(Names are changed for anonymity)

Today we had 3 young girls join us for the program. Its refreshing to see the horses greet each participant as an individual.

This week we were lucky to have Bob to ride. He looks like Riley’s twin and acts similar too. The kiddos all had a chance to enjoy a ride and short trail ride.

This young girl, Janna, has a wonderful smile and shares it easily. It made me notice how a genuine smile can shine and raise the group energy. The warm weather gave us a thirst for cold water and we drank deeply.

The mini donkeys are fun to visit with Fiona, the one pictured trying to sniff my ear has a bit of extra fat pockets, but that doesn't stop her telling Daisy (light colored girl in front) just where to go. Daisy & Fiona get tiny halters put on and then we walk them around the farm. All the horses keep a close eye on them as we pass. When we take off their halters in the arena usually they rollover on their back scratching in the warm arena sand. Some days they get a wild hair and start running around, we call that mini ‘zoomies’ and stand back as they gallop around in big circles.

Bob had some nice riding time with all the girls today.

(Names are changed for confidentiality)

With the start of the school year, we moved our program to Wednesday after school. We had 3 clients today, one new girl and 2 returning clients.

Today was his 2nd time, and Danny ‘s confidence and skill level was much higher than last time. The first time he attended he was so nervous he asked if his mom could stay with us, this time dad dropped him off and Danny was ready to roll. We worked with DD today and rode bareback with a pad. When riding without a saddle the person needs to have good balance and it takes more confidence to stay up on the horse, and DD is a tall horse. The mini donkeys got some fun time in the arena with kids and a few treats, celery is their low calorie treat.

Mary came to our very first session, and was so scared that she was tearful and asked if her mom could stay. What a difference, now Mary has been with us several times now and has changed dramatically. She does very well with all the horse activities. She can pick out the horse hooves and help tack them up as well. Shown here she is removing DD’s fly mask and look at the tall posture she has when riding DD. This beautiful mare is allergic to fly bites and must stay covered with fly sheets and masks worn when she’s not at work. DD is a very tall paint horse with beautiful palomino coloring.

We had a shorter session today but still made time for each client to have a chance to ride DD and get to know her a bit. The day was warm and we shared a cold drink and visited with Pawnee and other horses. Today was Jennifer’s first time and she fit in immediately with an easy friendly demeanor and was good with the horses.

Mary came to our very first session, and was so scared that she was tearful and asked if her mom could stay.

What a difference, now Mary has been with us several times now and has changed dramatically. She does very well with all the horse activities. She can pick out the horse hooves and help tack them up as well. Shown here she is removing DD’s fly mask and look at the tall posture she has when riding DD. This beautiful mare is allergic to fly bites and must stay covered with fly sheets and masks worn when she’s not at work. DD is a very tall paint horse with beautiful palomino coloring.

We had a shorter session today but still made time for each client to
have a chance to ride DD and get to know her a bit. The day was warm and we shared a cold drink and visited with Pawnee and other horses. Today was Jennifer’s fist time and she fit in immediately with an easy friendly demeanor and was good with the horses. (Names are changed for confidentiality)

The program today was successful and flowed with ease. We had 2 repeat clients, Terri and Jerry and 1 new girl, Nancy. The repeat kids feel safe and ready to ride the horse and play with the mini donkeys. Today the kids rode Riley and we groomed and connected with DD, Pawnee, Bob, Paddington and of course Fiona and Daisy, the miniature donkeys. While we waited for everyone to arrive we got the mini donkeys out for some exercise. They love to roll over in the soft arena sand and it's super cute. Fiona and Daisy both need to lose some weight, for health reasons. It's great to know we are helping them as they entertain us too.

After the opening circle we split up and started with the equine magic. This is the third time Terri has come to Pegasus. She’s only 7 years old but has no fear and is getting good with horses. She is learning how to clean the horse hooves, and her helper is holding the hoof for safety.

The new girl, Nancy, has some pet goats at home so she fits right in with all our activities. She had a nice connection with Pawnee as he’s a “special” gelding. When it was time for her to ride Riley I had Jerry help since he is feeling more confident now that he knows the routine and horses. It was great to see him grow and help out today.

Today we visited with Paddington a little bit. He's very tall and likes to get right in your face. He is relatively harmless but can be a little intimidating. The session was our last before school starts, we will find a new time and day to continue in September.