Primo is a 15 year old gelding who joined us 3 years ago. He is almost 15 hands tall. His sweet nature and ’cuddly’ personality makes him an amazing equine ‘therapist’. His beautiful black and white paint coat is soft and shows off his horsey style. He is a National show horse being a Saddlebred Arabian mix. As a yearling he lost his right eye in an accident.
He swings his head to see on the blind size (once in a while) and gets along so well most people never know he’s missing that eye. His disability makes him more approachable and less intimidating to beginners who are scared of a big horse. Primo likes to meet all sorts of friends and has a special infant buddy.

Welcome Bob. A new favorite, Bob lives at Campagna Ranch and joined Pegasus
late last year. He is a 'solid paint' by breed and a handsome bay gelding.
He stands at 15.3 hands & is 23 years old. We appreciate his gentle temperament.
Bob has 'been there, done that' in the horse world including camping, rodeos, beach rides and many miles of trails with his owner, Gwenys.
He's now a member of Pegasus and works hard doing lessons and posing for pictures.
Quotes from students:
Bob has such a comfortable gentle trot
Bob's got charm
I wanna ride Bob !
Nick names; Bobarina, Bobert, Big Snuggle…

Meet Paddington. This big guy was rescued off the race track, then abused and neglected in his new home. After he was hit by a car (long story) his owner gave up on him.We, Christal Barquero and I, rescued him again and are providing him all the love and rehabilitation time he needs. Paddington is a thoroughbred by breed andhas all the characteristics that usually come with that breed, he can be playful, springy,feisty & large, standing at 16.1 hands he towers over us and can be 'pushy' with his exuberant affection. He helps us learn boundaries, a skill that translates well to daily life. He is 10 years old and also very good at posing for photos.
Quotes from students:
He's so handsome
I think Paddington likes me
Is he trying to climb in to my pocket?
Nick Names; Big goof, Paddy, Dude………..

R Khat O Lena (we called her Khat) was a 21 year old Arabian Quarter horse mix. Pegasus Riding School suddenly lost one of its beloved therapy horses. The 22 year old Khat died early morning on Wednesday, March 9th, 2021 to colic. Everything possible was done for her, but the twist in her gut would not release.