After a fluid beginning with last minute schedule changes, we had three clients today. All three have been to our program: for one boy it was only his 2nd visit.
His transformation was notable: not as fearful, braver when on the horse, and attempting to talk when called on (this is especially hard for him). He really opened up today laughing at jokes etc.

As usual, we started with the mini donkeys. We will sure miss them when they go back home. Fiona & Daisy are only at this barn for four months out of a year. So we are grateful for their donkey energy. They got some good grooming and attention from the kids.

For the riding part we were lucky to have Riley. He’s gotten very popular and isn’t always available as in the previous years. The young boy, who last time was adamant about not riding, got on Riley this week and did a full circle around the arena, without support holding the horse. He was quite proud of himself! As he should be. To conquer a fear is a big deal.

As a bonus, our little girl who comes often, (at least 11 different sessions), was quite pleased to be able to trot on Riley - such a fun challenge to bounce with the horse and keep a strong core.

Thank you animal friends - see you soon.